Title: Abandon |
Genre: Thriller |
Release Date: , 2002 |
MPAA Rating: PG-13 |
Runtime: 99 minutes |
Director: Stephen Gaghan |
Writer: Stephen Gaghan |
Distributor: Paramount Pictures |
Other Information:
Rogue's Review:Not perfect but worth seeing
Caught this on cable last night and I liked it. I thought Katie Holmes did extremely well with a very tricky role, and I thought there were a lot of well written exchanges between the characters - this is a Stephen Gaghan film, after all - some excellent atmospheric touches, and enough psychological ambiguity to allow me to figure out what was really going on before the ending, but this didn't make the film predictable - it made it clever. And the title is a good one - extremely telling, a clue in itself.
Of course, it's not a perfect film by any stretch; there's too much stuff that really doesn't need to be in the movie but I still give it a 6 (my equivalent of *** - a decent premise, decently executed).
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