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Last film I saw in an actual theatre was Tootsie and I was so tramautized I haven\'t gone back since.
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If I can\'t watch it sprawled on my couch, surrounded by Cheetos bags and beer cans, fuggedaboudit.
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Movie Site : Movie Reviews : Television : So You Think You Can Dance Page 1 of 1
Title: So You Think You Can Dance
Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarEmpty StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
Genre: Television
Release Date: , 2005
MPAA Rating: n/a
Runtime: 60 minutes, sometime
Director: Created by Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe
Writer: n/a
Distributor: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation
Other Information:
Rogue's Review:

Steppin' Up

NOTE: My rating is for the show itself, the way it's run, not the contestants, these incredible troupers, who deserve a 10.

The thing I like most about this show is how the dancers have to step up each week and perform in a genre that is usually much different than their own; this requires the performers to be unbelievably flexible - not just physically but mentally and emotionally, and most of them are genuinely inspiring to watch.

I don't think the judges are really fair, especially Nigel, who seems to not appreciate anyone whose style and personage is different than the mainstream ideas of gender-acceptability. He has more of a problem with some of the guys, whom he berates for not being 'masculine enough' to take the lead with a female partner. Very limited - and limiting - imagination, he has. I really like Mia Michaels, who's the complete opposite: very open-minded and fair, a true artist and an inspiring creative force.

I also don't think it's fair that the 3 lowest-voted boys and the 3 lowest-voted girls each week get THIRTY SECONDS ONLY to show what they can do individually before the judges make their decisions. This is ridiculous, it's clearly not enough time - they should be given at least 2 minutes or at the very least a minute and a half so they can allow their chosen routine to build a little; with the THIRTY-SECOND time, everyone usually winds up looking frantic. Give these people a break, I say. They have time for a complete performance from a guest star, like Neo, this week, for instance, but they don't have time for the actual contestants? This is absolutely pathetic.

The show is clearly a personality contest, and they admit it. They're not looking for 'America's BEST dancer' but rather 'America's FAVORITE dancer,' and this is okay, because let's face it, any public competition generally winds up being a popularity contest anyway. So at least they're up front about that. I especially appreciate how they show the performers practicing each week in the genre they've found themselves dancing in. Sometimes it looks like they'll never be able to pull it off, but 90% of the time, once they're in their costumes and the audience is present, they manage to shine.

8/16/07 : THRILLED that Sabra won tonight! I didn't think she had a chance; I was sure Neil or Danny would take it, and I have a feeling she felt that way too. I've been watching nearly ever week just to see her numbers - when she dances, you can't take your eyes off her, plain and simple. The judges did get it right about her - she has The Magic. Something you can't buy, steal or be taught. A thrilling performer.

8/8/08 : This time around, I was rooting for either Katee or Joshua to take it, and I couldn't have been any more pleased that Joshua won last night. Another great year, very inspired and inspiring. Might even up the rating to a 7.

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