Title: Spider-Man 2 |
Genre: Action/Adventure |
Release Date: , 2004 |
MPAA Rating: PG-13 |
Runtime: 127 minutes |
Director: Sam Raimi |
Writer: Alvin Sargent, based on characters created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko |
Distributor: Columbia Pictures (USA) |
Other Information:
Rogue's Review:A exhilarating masterpiece that works on all levels
I don't even know where to begin raving about this film -- actually, I think I've already started, with my summary line, so I'll take it from there: this is the best movie I've ever seen that's based on a comic book - absolutely fantastic in every way, from its wonderful beginning (that sucks you right in) to its unbelievably satisfying double-conclusion.
Sam Raimi - whom I've always believed was capable of true directorial greatness - his writers and his performers (especially Tobey Maguire, who valiantly held out for the right script) manage to pull off the spectacular miracle of creating and balancing the perfect tone throughout: the movie never gets silly, corny or confusing, and it never goes over the top even at its most outrageous. Even more miraculously, the film works brilliantly on all levels: it's witty, poignant, profound, full of surprises, loaded with heart, romantic as all get-out, and the action sequences are flawless - literally mind-boggling. Kirsten Dunst, Rosemary Harris and the rest of the actors are perfect, with a special nod to the always-great Alfred Molina, who's been turning in outstanding performances for years and years now.
For once, I'm thrilled to report, the great reviews that "Spider-Man 2" has been receiving are thoroughly warranted, and then some. Go see it at your earliest possible convenience. And take along somebody you love.
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