Title: Now You See Me |
Genre: Suspense |
Release Date: May 31, 2013 |
MPAA Rating: PG-13 |
Runtime: 115 minutes |
Director: Louis Leterrier |
Writer: Ed Solomon, Boaz Yakin, Edward Ricourt |
Distributor: Summit Entertainment |
Other Information:
Rogue's Review:You won't be seeing me again
This tells you how unsatisfying an experience watching this film last night turned out to be: About halfway through I'd figured out who the 'mastermind' might be. But at the end, when it was confirmed, I felt no sense of elation at all. Compared to, say, with The Usual Suspects, when I figured out who Kaiser Soze had to be and it was revealed, I was absolutely euphoric in the theatre. I excitedly nudged the person I was with and said, "I knew it!!!" It didn't work with Now You See Me because it had no weight; it was totally unearned.
Movies about magicians have to have some semblance of believability at the core; I'm thinking of The Illusionist and The Prestige, for example - both brilliantly realized films that manage to walk the tightrope between wonderment and plausibility. This piece of garbage takes the opposite route: it insults its audience in so many ways that I couldn't even begin to mention them in a decent-sized review.
Can't believe they're actually doing a sequel, which I will NOT be seeing. And I can't believe Boaz Yakin(of FRESH fame) had anything to do with this train wreck of a monstrosity of a lame two-hour long plothole.
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